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Protect Public Health and Improve Quality of Life

控制蚊子不仅仅是一项“有就好”的公共服务,它可以改善我们社区的舒适度和宜居性. 这是保持生活质量和保护公众免受蚊媒疾病威胁的关键部分.

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Whether you’re looking for the benefits of a full-service, 综合灭蚊方案或寻求灭蚊产品及应用设备,为您的自我管理方案, 乐虎网 has just what you need. 我们与所有类型的政府和社区组织合作,包括:

Mosquito Abatement Districts

乐虎网有幸为美国大多数灭蚊区服务并与之密切合作. Experts in their own right, 这些组织严格专注于向社区提供蚊虫控制,并依赖乐虎网提供蚊虫控制产品, application equipment and operational support.

Municipalities, Public Health Departments & Local Governments

市政当局和地方政府实体有广泛的公共服务需要管理, and so when it comes to the science of mosquito control, they rely heavily on 乐虎网’s operational expertise, whether they manage their own programs or utilize our contract services.



Ministries of Health & 非政府组织

在全球范围内, 我们与各国卫生部和非政府机构合作,制定有助于防治病媒传播疾病的蚊虫控制解决方案. 从应用设备和监测解决方案到蚊虫控制产品选择, 我们致力于帮助世界各地的社区变得更宜居, safe and comfortable.

Working with 乐虎网

experience vector

Technical Experts

When you work with 乐虎网, 你可以接触到我们的内部专家致力于公共卫生蚊子控制, including entomologists, biologists, environmental scientists, research and development scientists, and regulatory professionals.

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Maximizing Budgets

我们了解预算,并在根据具体要求定制蚊虫控制服务项目时牢记预算, habitats and environments. Whether you are a municipality, 乡, county or abatement district, 我们的经验使我们能够在不影响结果的情况下帮助您节省资金.

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Managing Media

公共关系工具和媒体支持包括与乐虎网合作的好处. 从你可以在你的网站上发布的材料和信息到你需要的现场媒体关系支持, 我们随时恭候您——免费——支持您的社区教育工作.

Two abatement workers in the field
close up of a mosquito

Integrated Mosquito Management 服务

乐虎网提供的蚊虫控制服务项目植根于蚊虫综合管理的原则. Recommended jointly by the EPA and the CDC,综合蚊患管理是采用整体方法控制蚊患.

The Principles of Integrated Mosquito Management

  • 开展社区教育,为整体灭蚊活动争取支持,并鼓励居民在其物业内减少蚊源.
  • Surveillance 监测成蚊种群,并检测西尼罗河病毒等虫媒病毒疾病的存在, Eastern Equine Encephalitis or Zika.
  • Survey and mapping of known mosquito breeding sites and treatment routes.
  • Larval control treatments to prevent mosquito larvae from becoming biting adults.
  • Adult mosquito control treatments 为叮咬或携带疾病的成年人群提供即时救济.
integrated mosquito management
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Mosquito Control After Hurricanes, Floods, and Disease Outbreaks

Since our work responding to the first U.S. outbreak of West Nile Virus in 1999, 乐虎网在疾病和天气紧急情况下的蚊子控制行动方面建立了一个可靠的记录,远远超过了其他人.

It is why federal, 州和地方政府一再依赖乐虎网在飓风过后采取行动, 洪水, natural disaster or mosquito-borne disease outbreak.

Learn More 乐虎网 Emergency Response


EarthRight Mosquito Control


乐虎网’s EarthRight Mosquito Service Program is one of a kind, 使用最环保的灭蚊产品和环保的施药方式,如自行车和电动施药机.

Learn More 乐虎网 EarthRight


earthright being delivered on bicycles
grassy lakeside view

Public Health Programs


Here are our recommendations on how to get started.

Kickstart Your Program

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